Frequently Asked Questions

What is United Way?

United Way is a worldwide organization of nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 41 countries and territories. Each is independent, separately incorporated, and governed by local volunteers. United Ways bring communities together to focus on the most important needs in the community, build partnerships, forge consensus and leverage resources to make a measurable difference. For more information about the national organization, United Way Worldwide, visit UnitedWay.org.

What does United Way of the Greater Triangle do?

United Way of the Greater Triangle serves Durham, Johnston, Orange, and Wake Counties NC.

  • We raise money to support area nonprofits and invest in community-driven solutions.
  • We convene volunteers, corporate partners, and donors.
  • We amplify the voices of change makers

Our United Way strategically invests in effective programs, innovative approaches, and collaborative solutions. It supports invaluable services necessary to strengthen the community, including 2-1-1.

How can I help?

Thank you for wanting to help! A donation to United Way of the Greater Triangle stays in this community, and provides real impact in the lives of local families. You can donate here. 

Giving your time and talents to causes you care about is as important as donating financially. To find the best match for your interests, Click here for upcoming opportunities.

How can I get help?

If you are in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1.

If you or your family need assistance such with needs such as housing, food, employment, or paying utility bills, you can call “2-1-1.”

The 2-1-1 hotline (888-892-1162) connects you to resources in your area that may be able to help.

You can also click here to learn more about 2-1-1.


Why should I invest in United Way instead of choosing a specific agency?

United Way of the Greater Triangle makes sure your money goes where the community needs it most. We offer donors the opportunity to support the entire community and maximize their giving. By choosing to give to our Community Impact Fund, you give United Way of the Greater Triangle the power to attack the most pressing needs in the region to create lasting changes. In 2023, over 500 community volunteers reviewed funding requests and helped us decide which nonprofits were making the most impact toward eradicating poverty. 

Knowing where the most pressing needs are is a strength of United Way and donors who give to United Way know they are supporting work that strengthens the entire community and that there is diligent monitoring to ensure your dollars are making the greatest impact.

Who runs United Way of the Greater Triangle?

United Way of the Greater Triangle is run by a volunteer board of directors comprised of community leaders and partners living and working in the Greater Triangle area (Durham, Johnston, Orange, and Wake counties), interested in creating community solutions.

What is the relationship of our local United Way to United Way Worldwide?

United Way Worldwide (UWW) provides support services to local, independent United Way organizations across the country. UWW provides advertising, research on national social needs, educational instruction, and strategic planning for methods that local United Ways can use to improve their communities. More than 1,400 local United Ways belong to UWW, contributing 1% of their campaign pledges in return for services provided.

What is your focus now?

Our mission is to invest in community-driven solutions that advance racial and economic justice. Our work provides support for the immediate needs of families and children in the community and encourages solutions that lead to the self-sufficiency and social mobility that break cycles of generational poverty.

How do I apply for funding?

United Way of the Greater Triangle will offer several opportunities in the upcoming year to apply for funding. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to find out when applications for funding will be open.

Does United Way of the Greater Triangle have a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy?

Yes, our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policy is defined as the following:

We are reinventing United Way of the Greater Triangle to be the United Way our community wants, needs and demands for the future. Social issues are complex, wicked problems and these times require a different role for the organization—one that moves toward being a partner, a funder, a collaborator.

Vital to this evolving role is the deepening of our work around diversity, equity, and inclusion. A cross-functional staff committee is leading the effort to infuse these principles into our organizational culture to raise awareness, open communications, and enrich both internal and external interactions.

UWGT Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Vision Statement: We are committed to becoming a collaborative and inclusive organization that strives for equity and equal opportunity in all we do in order to be a catalyst for change in our community. We will work to create a welcoming environment for all; enable success for all; work constantly toward fairness, civility, and respect for all; and honor the rich mosaic of voices both within our United Way and in the Greater Triangle.

DEI Purpose Statement: To be relevant change-makers in our community and inspire deepened engagement and contributions, we will be intentional about building a workforce that embodies the diversity of our Triangle region; we will embed the pursuit of DEI in our organizational priorities; we will work to foster an organizational culture where each employee, board member, volunteer, and community member feels valued, supported and appreciated.

Will the money I give to United Way stay in the community?

Yes. We often say United Way is local giving with local impact. The money raised in the Triangle area stays in the Triangle area unless you, as the donor, request that it be sent to another United Way or a charity outside of our area.

How does United Way handle my money and its finances responsibly?

A certified public accounting firm audits every United Way annually. Results, along with recommendations for improvements, are presented to each local Board of Directors. This group of local community volunteers then enacts and monitors suggested improvements. These annual audit reports are visible on our website here.

Are my personal details and information secure?

The safety and security of your transaction is a primary concern for United Way. A high-grade encryption is used along with the https security protocol, SSL, to communicate with your browser software. This method is the industry standard security protocol, which makes it extremely difficult for anyone else to intercept the information sent.

Please read our entire privacy policy here.

If I donate online, will my email address be released to other organizations?

The donation confirmation page allows you to choose if you wish to release your contact information to your recipient organization(s). United Way never trades or sells donor information.

Please read our entire privacy policy here.

Have more questions? Contact us!